Tuesday, April 7, 2015

My One Year Mark

Today I have been filled with interesting emotions. In fact this whole past weekend has been crazy for me. 
One year ago today I came home from my mission. 
  So I loved my mission. I was blessed to serve in this rural town on the Florida/Alabama border, or as many locals say "The Great State of L.A." (Lower Alabama). I loved being there and sharing my testimony of Jesus Christ and the Book of Mormon with those I was with. Yet it wasn't all sunshine and paradise. 
There were a lot of ups and downs. While I was serving there I was diagnosed with depression. Although treatment was sought and different things were tried in the end it was decided I should come home. 

It was extremely difficult to take off this name tag for the last time, yet I knew it was what Heavenly Father had planned for me. I never doubted that I would be abandoned. I always knew my Savior would be with me. 

And He never did. In the past year I have witnessed many miracles. Things have happened that I couldn't even have dreamed would have happened had I not returned from my mission earlier than initially planned. 
On this day I just want to share my testimony with all of y'all. 
I know that our Heavenly Father loves us. We truly cannot begin to comprehend the amount of love He holds for each of us. He sent His Son as a sacrifice for each of us! Jesus Christ is alive today. He came to the earth where He atoned for each of our sins, struggles, pains, trials. Through that He understands exactly how we each feel throughout all of our difficulties. I have felt His strength beside me during the most difficult times as well as the joyous. Over the past year I went through trials I had never imagined yet because of that my faith was stretched to the limit and my testimony grew to encompass more faith and knowledge. 
It was hard to come home, but through all that happened I learned one thing I will forever share with the world.


Frozen (not like the movie)

Wow, It's been a while since I've written something down here. There have been many, many times I have sat down, put my fingers to t...