Monday, July 20, 2015

Marriage - Am I ready?

So apparently when you start pinning things about marriage people start to wonder, and they then venture out enough to ask "hey, what's going on?"
Once and for all - no, I'm not engaged, I'm not getting married anytime soon, none of that. It's just that between roommates, friends, SO many summer weddings and especially the recent decisions from the government bringing about many discussions, you could say marriage is on the mind.
Pinterest is definitely not helping as some really fantastic ideas keep popping up - I mean check out some of these!

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Those are just a smidgen of what I have found and since I'm not planning on getting married myself anytime soon I keep sending these pins in the direction of those who might be. 

Amidst all the dresses, colors and cakes, this quote popped up in my feed. I've seen this many times before, heck, I've even had Sunday School lessons about this. The quote from Bruce R. McConkie is one of my all time favorites. Yet it was the triangle that really caught my attention when I saw this. 

I love how it shows a happy marriage being one where God is a central point. Normally when I see this I think "cool, both my husband and I get to grow closer to God together!" which is completely true, but last week I really noticed that while the husband and wife are connected, the wife (which I hope will one day be me) has a direct connection to God as well. 

 In order to have a successful marriage, the husband and wife need to be connected together, but also individually to our loving Heavenly Father. 

That individual connection is critical. So right now marriage isn't quite in the pages, but that doesn't mean I can't prepare myself. If I focus on my relationship with Heavenly Father, my marriage will already be better off than if I sat around waiting for Prince Charming to come sweep me off my feet. 

Having a close relationship with Him helps me to feel loved, helps me remember my worth and constantly be uplifted. 

Each of us is in a different position in life, but that doesn't mean we can't work on our connection to God. Whether married or not, let's all make a goal to make that relationship the strongest in our life!

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